Blessing Kits --Our House Blessing Bag & items for your house blessing ceremony are presented in a beautiful satin and heavy plastic, reusable bag. Store your blessing items to use repeatedly. Included in our blessing bag is a genuine Abalone Shell, pure loose white sage, a genuine feather for wafting/smudging, our homemade Sacred Holy Sage spray and homemade soy candle make with Sage, leaf and oil, Lavender, Citrus blend essential oils, blessed sea salt, Holy Water and Prayer. This is the Perfect gift for a housewarming or bridal shower gift or for any occasion where someone is making a life change, starting over, or just leaving any adversity. Our products are smudged and prayed over before selling.
St. Joseph Blessing Kits - The same blessing bag as described above but it includes a St. Joseph Statue and items to do a St. Joseph house blessing with instructions. Especially great for those times when you need to sell a home or a great gift for someone who needs to sell a home or property or just want the protection of St. Joseph in their home.
Energetic Numerology Readings & Charts -Numerology is a mathematical method of ancient science created by Pythagoras, a philosopher 2500 years ago who coined the phrase Philosophy and theorized that by using our birth names and dates we can understand our life path and the energetic cycles that come into our space throughout our lives through the use of numerology formulas. By formulating our birth name and birth date in a numerology chart, he stated that we can better understand ourselves, each other, and the direction we are taking, personally and collectively. Everything in life is a cycle and numerology helps us understand those energetic cycles and how significant good "timing" is when making life decisions. I have found just the "knowing" of what each energetic period brings, can help us understand that everything is fluid and moving and that everything passes and releases us to new energetic periods. Numerology is the best tool for realizing that life ebbs and flows with energy patterns. Ultimately there is much value in understanding this energy when making life decisions and how to evaluate the timing of those decisions. Go to Contact us page, OR our Energetic Numerology link, or you can click the picture to get more get information about how to receive a numerology chart/reading.
Al a Carte Items & Products
Blessed Feathers - Custom made handles allow for ease of use with wafting for smudging and blessing. Based on Native American spiritual culture it is believed that the feather possesses the spirit qualities of the bird to be the breath of life, as well as connecting us to the heavens above and mother earth. It is believed that the feathers have the ability to comb ones energy or aura aiding in the cleansing of the smudging sage smoke ritual/blessing.
Sacred Holy Sage Aroma Spray 4oz & 2oz - Custom made Sage Lavender Holy Water is smudging product that is a combination of sage, lavender, blessed holy water, and other pleasing citrus scents. It can be used after a blessing/smudging ritual to add a pleasing fragrance to the space. It can also be used as a body spray, for automobiles, office space, the home or anywhere you want the benefit of sage and holy water without the smoke
Lavender is a sacred plant, which shares it healing properties, and will bring inner calm and wisdom. Some Christians still regard the scent of lavender as a safeguard against evil.
- Cleary Sage is known to help treat depression and anxiety. When blended with Lavender, it is invaluable for easing depression and anxiety; by itself, it can help treat panic attacks, stress-induced headaches and muscular cramps, and it is an excellent tonic for the nervous system.
- Citrus essential oils added to aroma for an energetic lift and for the pleasant aromas which compliment the Lavender and Sage oil in any space.
Holy Sacred Sage Candles - 2 oz and 4 oz - Our own homemade aroma scent..... in a candle! Cleary Sage, Lavender, Holy Water, Citrus oil blend & White Sage leaf. 100% quality soy & prayer. Perfect for those times you want the benefits of sage and holy water without smudging. Great for when you travel or visit and feel the need to cleanse or bless your space. Also adds a pleasing scent to any space! Convenient 2 oz can is ideal for travel. NOW in 4 OZ size for only $9.95!! Double the size and double the burning time.
Sage Sticks - Our sacred sage and white sage bundles (approx 4-5 inches) are privately harvested with prayer and meditation in California. The supplier of our sage bundles believes that the harvesting of sage has healed his life. His life purpose is to pay it forward through his harvest of sacred and white sage sticks. Choose from either pure white sage sticks or our sacred sage sticks which include Sweetgrass, Lavender, Juniper and Rosemary, copal and pine. All of the herbs included aid in dispelling negative energy and emotional imprints and are known for creating positive energy.
Gemstone Energy Pendulums -Our genuine gemstone energy Pendulums have a Rose Quartz pendulum and gemstones representing all the chakras in the body. Reiki practitioners use pendulums to identify energy blockages in the body. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." Energy pendulums are used in Reiki (energy healing) for identifying blocked energy in the body during a Reiki healing. At BTH... we infuse our pendulums with our spiritual Native American and Catholic energy prayer and holy water and sage, to create a tool for using in house blessings in a similar manner that Reiki practitioners use it in a Reiki session. See our House Blessings page to get instructions on how to use a pendulum for a house or body blessing.
Personal House Blessing -Our Personalized house blessings are available by appointment in the greater Raleigh Durham, NC area. For more information about house blessing in Durham, NC, call us today or go to our "Contact us" page and fill out and we will call to make an appointment. We also serve the greater Raleigh and Chapel Hill areas too!
Custom Made Genuine Cedar Engraved Energy Discs - These beautifully designed, hand oiled & hand engraved Cedar discs are made with loving intention and prayer by Cherokee Cedar wood designer, Dequa. These discs can be purchased on a 27 inch leather oiled rope or bracelet or you can just buy the charm and wear it on your favorite charm chain or bracelet. Spiritually, Cedar Represents Life and Strength and Protection from harm or evil. Discs can be custom engraved with initials or personalized symbols. Please go to our "contact us" page to fill out the form to get more information. Great gift idea.
Genuine Abalone Bowl with loose white sage - A beautiful Abalone shell filled with pure white loose sage presented in a mesh purple drawstring bag. Beautiful gift idea for those who want to have loose white sage on hand and/or prefer using a Abalone bowl for use in smudging and blessing their home. Also nice for a table or desktop potpourri.
Beautiful Handmade Chakra Tapestries - Gorgeous quality handmade Tapestries made by artist D. Louise. Hang up in any room to add vibrant colors representing the Chakras. Lined and custom made with lettering "Bless This House" or "Bless This House Heal Energy Heal Life" inside the circles. Made with loving intention and blessings. Size options: 42 by 14 inch with wooden rod or our smaller version 20" by 9.5" inc. Go to our shop page to purchase! These are a lovely way to bless your home, office or studio!
Bless This Bath - Salt Scrub - Homemade Bath Scrub for exfoliating, cleansing and moisturizing your skin. Six Ounce size. Made with our signature Sacred Holy Sage aroma formula, Sea Salt, Grape Seed Oil, Lavender, Citrus & Sage essential oil blend, Holy Water & Prayer. Great way to cleanse, heal and bless your bath & body! Great gift idea too!
Blessed By Love - 8oz Mason Jar Soy Candle -Beautiful soy candle infused with prayer and intention for those times you want to attract "love". Made with holy water, sage leaf, and infused with citrus, cherry blossom, hydrangea, apple, peach and blondewood. "That Which Is Like Unto Itself Is Drawn". It's our belief that if you bless your energy and life with self loving intention and prayer, you will more readily attract love energy from others.
Blessed By Love - 6oz Decorative Jar sugar scrub - Beautiful jar of sugar scrub infused with pure almond oil, sugar, holy water, sage leaf, prayer, and our "love" scent used in our BBL candles. Gently exfoliates while infusing pure love intention and the fragrant essence of love. Great for Wedding favors and gifts for anyone who is looking for love or who want to celebrate love.